Who is our neighbor? Presbyterian pastor Ben Daniel joins us to discuss the controversial issues that surround undocumented migration in the United States. In his new book, Neighbor: Christian Encounters with “Illegal” Immigration, Daniel provides a Christian case for embracing undocumented immigrants using a blend of travel narrative, interviews, theological insight, and biblical scholarship.
Ben Daniel is a Presbyterian minister in northern California. He has served on the board of Presbyterian Border Ministries and is a regular contributor to UPI’s online religion and spirituality forum, as well as KQED FM, the largest NPR affiliate in the U.S. He is a graduate of Westmont College and Princeton Theological Seminary.
Related Resources:
Pamela K. Brubaker, Rebecca Todd Peters, and Laura A. Stivers, editors, Justice in a Global Economy: Strategies for Home, Community, and the World
James Calvin Davis, In Defense of Civility: How Religion Can Unite America on Seven Moral Issues that Divide Us
Music Credit:
Shadows,” by David LaMotte